Sunday Funday

The Lions are winning right now. They will lose.

At one o’clock this afternoon, I went grocery shopping for a gallon of oil, a lemon, white chocolate chips, ground cloves, and frozen cod. I started cooking at about quarter till two. MMmmMmm good hobbie. I started with the oatmeal rasin cookies, a modified reciepe of course. I can’t seem to do anything exactly like the directions say. Once the cookies were mixed and baking, I started deep frying.

I wasn’t deep frying the cookies, silly! I started with onions, then did some mushrooms, and then did another onion to use up my batter. Oh so good. It was difficult to not eat everything I fried right then and there. With the oatmeal cookies done, I started on some lemon bar things. For that I followed the reciepe. They are damn good. Flavoring things with lemon zest is awesome. I’m taking a break now, before I finish up the lemon bars, and start fry cod and potatoes. Fish and chips anyone?