Comments on: Storyboard Custom Segue For Custom PushViewController Animation babblings of a computer loving fool Mon, 21 Nov 2016 19:37:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Timothy Fri, 13 Jul 2012 04:05:01 +0000 Aghh I see. The main heading kinda misleads, though I now understand its the “push” animation that you want to mimic. thanks. helped a lot !!!

By: jrwren Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:02:22 +0000 Hi Timothy,

First paragraph after the code sample says I wanted a Replace operation instead of a push operation. If you want push and not replace top of stack, just remove that pop operation.

By: Timothy Thu, 12 Jul 2012 01:13:51 +0000 This is very good. I like how at the end you also push the viewController of the destination view after the animation. Just one question though- why in your animationDone() method are you doing : [nav popViewControllerAnimated:No]. Popping the current viewController will not allow you to go back to it from the viewController that you are going to (in other words *dst). So in my dst view if I have a “back” button it will not go back to the correct view because you would have popped it off. It might actually crash the app if there are no more viewControllers left in the naviagtionArray after doing that pop. Please advise if I am missing something. Great answer, very useful. Thanks from Australia

By: Joey Sexton Thu, 05 Jul 2012 23:29:38 +0000 Loved this example! Explained very well and very simple to follow. Thanks!

By: Sikosis Mon, 18 Jun 2012 09:30:23 +0000 Curious, it seems to call viewDidLoad of the destination view controller twice …

By: jrwren Mon, 27 Feb 2012 18:14:41 +0000 Yes, it is all there. It is called implicit animation. When you turn implicit animation on, by sending UIView class the beginAnimations message, setting the rectangle will animate the change of these coordinates automatically. There is default time span for the animation which I do not change. If you read about implicit animation it will become more clear.

By: tiguero Mon, 27 Feb 2012 17:39:34 +0000 how can you control the animation so instead of happening from top to bottom it happens from left to right or vice versa – may be i am missing something but i couldn’t see this part in the code snippet you provided
