image manipulation.

Um wow.

maybe I need to learn me some  I don’t think I could do this in this few lines of code in PHP, and certainly not Perl.  and DEFINITELY NOT JAVA

210 minutes to go.

210 minutes to go 😉

Upgrades are fun.  They are SO easy, and it seems like you did a lot.  Kinda like new installs.  However, IT IS ALL FALSE!!! 

hrm… I need to do something fun for the next 150 minutes.  Maybe more on that little web app.

The drive was fun.  But I am kinda tired.  I hope this doesn’t last long.

Crap… must call SBC/Americrap.

efficient day today – flow

Got crap loads done today.

I wrote nearly an entire web application from scratch.  I forced myself into flow pretty early in the day today.  I think it helped.  This afternoon was full of interuptions, but they were fun distractions, so I don’t mind.

Tomorrow is another super upgrade day.  Fun Fun Fun.

its 10 after 5, and I need to think of something that will consume 50 minutes of my time.  I can’t think of anything.  Maybe I’ll write JSP just for the hell of it.

lacking flow

have not achieved productivity “flow” in a long time.  Wondering if it will ever happen.

Have stopped irc at work as an attempt at catalyst.  Busy today, but hope to have a good friday/bday tomorrow.  FLOW

please remind me to hack this script so that I can write a lj download utility for backup/archival/migration purposes for all use lame ljers – that way won’t hate lj as much.

sellers quit – and code is fun.

Well, Sellers finally quit his job.  So my job just got a lot more interesting 🙂  I am still unsure if this is good or bad, only time will tell.

Hehe… I guess sometimes I take my experience for granted.  I just found a cross-site scripting vulnerability in a co-workers code.  It could be easily used as a DOS against all of our user accounts.  I’m highly amused by it.  I guess I just take my security conscienceness for granted.  I love reading about proper coding and stuff, especially at high level languages like PHP.  It is easy and interesting to me.  I should know better than to assume others know this stuff too!

rip off report like me

Ugh.  This almost matches my experience recently with my car.  luckily, my dollar amounts were not even 1/2 of this persons.

I hate cars.


<gleekWRK>apachectl is not a way to control indians

HAWHAHWAW!!! so funny!