“And yes, this is filed under Linq as well.”
I read that and I nearly laughed out loud. My cube neighbors would have thought I was not working hard and was maybe watching YouTube.
I’ve been thinking for a while that NHibernate or Castle’s ActiveRecord coupled with NHibernate Query Generator looks like “Linq today”, or maybe even “Better than Linq”. I think maybe it should have been filed under Linq and “Better than Linq”.
I’ve been using Castle under Mono and tried to get NQG running under mono. NQG has some Visual Studio extension options, so compiling it with Mono isn’t as easy as using xbuild (mono’s msbuild). I slapped together this two line Makefile which does build.
QueryGenerator: QueryGenerator.cs AssoicationBehavior.cs CustomTool/BaseCodeGenerator.cs CustomTool/IObjectWithSite.cs CustomTool/IOleServiceProvider.cs CustomTool/IVsGeneratorProgress.cs CustomTool/IVsSingleFileGenerator.cs CustomTool/ServiceProvider.cs Program.cs Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs QueryBuilders/QueryBuilder.cs <br/>
gmcs -resource:QueryBuilders/QueryBuilder.cs -resource:QueryBuilders/QueryBuilder.vb -reference:../../../../castle/bin/Castle.ActiveRecord.dll -reference:../../SharedLibs/NHibernate/NHibernate.dll QueryGenerator.cs AssoicationBehavior.cs CustomTool/BaseCodeGenerator.cs CustomTool/IObjectWithSite.cs CustomTool/IOleServiceProvider.cs CustomTool/IVsGeneratorProgress.cs CustomTool/IVsSingleFileGenerator.cs CustomTool/ServiceProvider.cs Program.cs Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs QueryBuilders/QueryBuilder.cs<br/>
It just leaves out the files which have the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Designer stuff in them. The command line app still works.
Unfortunately, when executing I get a NullReferenceException from Mono.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidatingReader.get_Prefix. I think I’ve run into a part of the BCL which Mono has not entirely implemented. I haven’t had time to dive into the Mono source to figure this out. I’ll add this to my todo list 🙂
Thanks to Ayende (Oren) for the “Better than Linq”.
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