A while ago David Cumps posted about Extracting stored procedure content via SQL.
I liked this post and I knew I wanted to do something with it. We want to keep a copy of all of our stored procedures in Subversion, our version control system. This little boo script connects a database server, iterates through all of the stored procedures in all of the databases and outputs them to a directory named after the database.
import System import System.Data from "System.Data" import System.Data.SqlClient from "System.Data" import System.IO def Main(argv as (string)): Exit = System.Environment.Exit mkdir = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory if(null!=argv and argv.Length>0): databasehost = argv[0] else: databasehost = "MyDefaultDbServer" ignoreDatabases= ["master", 'model', 'msdb', 'Northwind', 'pubs', 'tempdb'] databases=[] connectionString = string.Format("server={0};database=master;Integrated Security=True",databasehost) print "using connection string:"+connectionString conn = SqlConnection(connectionString) cmd = conn.CreateCommand() cmd.CommandText="SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases ORDER BY name" conn.Open() reader = cmd.ExecuteReader() while reader.Read() : if ( not ignoreDatabases.Contains( reader.GetString(0) )): databases.Add(reader.GetString(0)) reader.Close() print databases for database in databases: spNames=[] mkdir(database) cmd = conn.CreateCommand() cmd.CommandText = "use ${database};SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'P' AND category = 0 ORDER BY name" reader = cmd.ExecuteReader() while reader.Read() : spNames.Add(reader.GetString(0)) reader.Close() print "${database}: ${spNames}" for spName in spNames: cmd = conn.CreateCommand() cmd.CommandText = "use ${database}; SELECT text FROM syscomments WHERE id=(SELECT id FROM sysobjects WHERE name='${spName}') ORDER BY colid" reader = cmd.ExecuteReader() outputf = File.CreateText( Path.Combine(database, "${spName}.sql") ) while reader.Read(): outputf.WriteLine(reader.GetString(0)) reader.Close() outputf.Close() conn.Close()
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Ok here is a stupid question, but what is boo? Is that a scripting language or something?
Yes, boo is a .NET language heavily inspired by Python. see http://boo.codehaus.org/ Read the Manifesto.
cool, I’ll tag that for later reading.
Nice to see other people have the same idea’s like me 😉
I posted the statements orginally after creating an application that extracts stored procedures to analyze and put them somewhere as well 🙂