Three tools which over the past week or so I’ve come to wonder how I ever lived without them. .NET tools and Visual Studio plugins

Three tools which over the past week or so I’ve come to wonder how I ever lived without them.

GhostDoc – I like to use CTRL-SHIFT-D as the shortcut key for “Document This”. My favorite feature is that when you are documenting an inherited function (virtual or override) it pulls the documentation from the parent class. In many cases like when implementing IComparable’s CompareTo, or Equals or GetHashcode, this default documentation is an excellent starting point. Often I only have to write one more detail sentance.

NUnit – Unit testing is a requirement. Well, it is required by me. You can guess why I’m overriding Equals so much and writing docs with GhostDoc, it is to have better unit testing ability.

NDoc – Even if others aren’t consuming your code, having good documentation is highly beneficial. NDoc generates MSDN like documentation in the form of html and chm files. It can even optionally generate LaTeX documentation! This will be great when I want to sell the paper form of my documentation 🙂