A Ceph+radosgw for Storage for Dev/Test/QA in a Few Minutes

It turns out when I was adding Swift (object storage) support to a project I really wanted to also have Ceph support via radosgw, another object storage system.

It turns out that deploying Ceph is not trivial or easy. However, Juju helps manage the complexity of Big Software.

There are a couple of tricks to running Ceph on LXD.

  1. Specify a full path which does not start with /dev for the osd-devices option.
  2. use-direct-io: false on ZFS.

You can add these options to a bundle and deploy with a single command using a single bundle file like this:

$ cat > ceph-bundle.yaml
 charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/ceph-mon
 num_units: 3
 - '1'
 - '2'
 - '3'
 charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/ceph-osd
 num_units: 3
 osd-devices: /srv/ceph-osd
 osd-reformat: 'yes'
 use-direct-io: false
 - '1'
 - '2'
 - '3'
 charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/ceph-radosgw
 num_units: 1
 use-embedded-webserver: true
 - 1
- - ceph-osd:mon
 - ceph-mon:osd
- - ceph-radosgw:mon
 - ceph-mon:radosgw
 constraints: arch=amd64
 series: xenial
 constraints: arch=amd64
 series: xenial
 constraints: arch=amd64
 series: xenial
$ juju deploy ceph-bundle.yaml

Wait a while. Watch juju status. Then, see if radosgw is up and try s3cmd

$ curl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/"><Owner><ID>anonymous</ID><DisplayName></DisplayName></Owner><Buckets></Buckets></ListAllMyBucketsResult>
$ juju ssh ceph-radosgw/0 'sudo radosgw-admin user create --uid="ubuntu" --display-name="Ubuntu Ceph"'
 "user_id": "ubuntu",
 "display_name": "Ubuntu Ceph",
 "email": "",
 "suspended": 0,
 "max_buckets": 1000,
 "auid": 0,
 "subusers": [],
 "keys": [
 "user": "ubuntu",
 "access_key": "O5W6PMIQZ83ODYCGVIGJ",
 "secret_key": "6aqf5vyRONOvGFJkvH65xW7ttxZIKNZx0c2cPMTA"
 "swift_keys": [],
 "caps": [],
 "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
 "default_placement": "",
 "placement_tags": [],
 "bucket_quota": {
 "enabled": false,
 "max_size_kb": -1,
 "max_objects": -1
 "user_quota": {
 "enabled": false,
 "max_size_kb": -1,
 "max_objects": -1
 "temp_url_keys": []
$ s3cmd --host= --host-bucket= --access_key=O5W6PMIQZ83ODYCGVIGJ --secret_key=6aqf5vyRONOvGFJkvH65xW7ttxZIKNZx0c2cPMTA --signature-v2 mb s3://testb
$ s3cmd --host= --host-bucket= --access_key=O5W6PMIQZ83ODYCGVIGJ --secret_key=6aqf5vyRONOvGFJkvH65xW7ttxZIKNZx0c2cPMTA --signature-v2 put ceph.yaml s3://testb/ceph.yaml
$ s3cmd --host= --host-bucket= --access_key=O5W6PMIQZ83ODYCGVIGJ --secret_key=6aqf5vyRONOvGFJkvH65xW7ttxZIKNZx0c2cPMTA --signature-v2 ls
2016-11-16 20:23  s3://testb
$ s3cmd --host= --host-bucket= --access_key=O5W6PMIQZ83ODYCGVIGJ --secret_key=6aqf5vyRONOvGFJkvH65xW7ttxZIKNZx0c2cPMTA --signature-v2 ls s3://testb
2016-11-16 20:24 2581 s3://testb/ceph.yaml

Dev and Test as you wish.

It should go without saying, but I will write it anyway: do not use Ceph on LXD like this in production. Ceph must be scaled out to different machine nodes.

A Swift for Storage for Dev/Test/QA in 2 Minutes

I was adding swift support to a project and it became apparent that things would be easier if I had a local swift to which I could connect.

I needed to familiarize myself with the API and its behavior and doing this locally rather than over a VPN on some production system with a QA tenant would make things a lot easier.

I could have used Devstack. Devstack is great if you are developing OpenStack. That is for what it is made. It uses the OpenStack source. That seemed overkill to me.

What I ended up with is a cloud-config file which I pass to cloud-init on system start. I use LXD to start a container. In less than 2 minutes later, on my 10 year old home server, I have swift up and running and responding to my commands.

$ lxc launch -e ubuntu:16.04 $(petname) -c user.user-data="$(cat swift.yaml)"
Creating testy-Abril
Starting testy-Abril
$ lxc list
| testy-Abril     | RUNNING | (eth0)     | | EPHEMERAL | 0 |
$ swift --user admin:admin --key
admin -A list
$ swift --user admin:admin --key admin -A list
$ swift --user admin:admin --key admin -A upload t README.md
$ swift --user admin:admin --key admin -A list
$ swift --user admin:admin --key admin -A list t

No need to ssh into the container at all. Just start it, wait a bit for things to install, and a swift API is up and running.

The swift.yaml file is here on github and the only change you should make is either remove the last line or change it to import your key so you can ssh to it.