I’m sitting in class and wondering if Live Journal will post this while I’m offline. Ya know, the win32 client could just store up my entries until I go back online. But given a 200K download, I’m not expecting too many advanced features. Actually, I’m sitting in my MFC Class – and I just got interupted by class, so now class is over – gosh that was fun. MFC AppWizard is neato!
Day: February 14, 2001
Ok, so I was seeming down a bit cuz of my bad Stat’s test score, but I just got my homework back( after the test! ) and its all perfect, so actually, I’m doing A-OK!!!
I haven’t said anything in a while, I’m sorry. School has been a wee bit busy. I recieved test results in some of my classes, and I didn’t do so hot. So its time to burry down and study. I need to get the grade. I can’t let a silly little thing like School whoop on my ass.
Its valentines day too. So I wanted to let everyone know that I have not gotten my sweetie anything. She loves me still. 😛
Other fun things include a killer NBA all-star game. GO EAST!!!
OU mens b-ball is doing pretty good even though our star player tore his ACL.
OU ladies b-ball lost the biggest game of the season, but they lost by one point at the last second. It was one of the best b-ball games I have ever seen.