/ I am considering turning this blog into \
| all cowsay! |
| |
| What is cowsay you say? |
| |
| Well, you are reading it. |
| |
| I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while. |
| What can I say? Writing just isn’t my |
| thing. If it were, I would not choose |
| to write about my life. Writing is a |
| rare mood for me, and when it comes, it |
| is generally in the form of elegant |
| documentation written for work. |
| |
| Speaking of work, I need to find a new |
| damn job. Know anyone looking to |
| overpay the best problem solving IT |
| Computer guru ever? |
| |
| Me neither. |
| |
| y0e – i win y0p – i win y0j – i shall |
\ win /
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||—-w |
|| ||

that didn’t work very well… but I posted it anyway, cuz I suck