I have music again, I’ve been listening again.
About a year ago, my 95 VM Golf started exhibiting numerous problems. After getting something fixed in Aug-Sep of 03, the car died in Oct-Nov. Not having money or ambition to fix it, compounded by the RX7, I left the car in a parking lot all winter long. It was not until April that I moved the car. I did not care, the ’86 Mazda RX7 with only ~30k miles on it was damn fun. I showed it its first winter.
In June, I get the VW back from the shop, after dropping more $ that it was worth to fix. I’m less than happy about its status when I get it back. They shop said it had electrical problems, but when you get a car back, and you just paid through the nose, you expect things to work. Things didn’t work. No turn signals, no hazards, no power sunroof, and worst of all, no radio.
I love my radio. I have a Pioneer P550MP that plays MP3 CDs. It has adequate power for listening, even at 70Mph with the windows down. I used to rock out all alone in the car to all the good music that
Compound further still with the fun facts that for the past 3+weeks, I’ve been driving 70+miles to work, in each direction. NO STEREO!!! Three hours in the car daily is not so bad, even without a stereo. It is fun to yell at traffic. It is fun to be alone with ones thoughts. It is fun to… Well, there isn’t much else to do while driving.
Saturday, I tore car apart(not much actually), and shorted some wires and replaced some fuses, et voila! STEREO!!! Mmm… is so good.
My favorite now is singing along. NoFX, Blink 182 – Josie, rapping to big pun. Damn there were songs that were old standards for me, that I haven’t heard in over a year, only because I used to only listen to them in the car! But by far the absolute best and most favorite right now is singing along to Radiohead. I especially enjoy trying to sing along to Street Spirit and being completely inadequate to hit the notes, my voice screetches, but I don’t care. I’m alone in my car and no one can hear me by me… and maybe God… and the spirits… and since grandma and grandpa are with God now too… maybe they can hear me… hrm… I’m almost embaraced now… but grammy and grampy won’t mind. Who else may hear me? Budha? Ghandi? hrm… Only embaraced for a second there. nope… oh well.
Hrm. This post certainly digressed into stupidity. I was going to post something in my own words, about something going on in my life, and the stereo story is as good as any. I figured my LJ is far from a window to my psyche, so I thought I’d try to let you all get to know my better, but alas. My post quickly fell to stupidity. Through this window to my psyche you can see my stupidity.