.NET Mobility Roadshow.

I went to the Great Lakes Dot Net Users Group meeting last night – www.migang.org.

It was a special event. It was the .NET Mobility Roadshow. It was interesting I supposed. Basically it showed me how easy it is to develop applications for mobile devices that are based on wince. Microsoft has some cool stuff. But I am not a toy boy, so I will probably never have such a device. Or if I do get such a device it will be more than a couple of years from now, and the development platform will have changed enough that there is no point in me looking at it right now.

The room was full of 70 people, the far majority were middle aged men. There were very few young people, and very few women. I don’t understand the demographics. We did recieve a cool package, including a tee shirt. Best thing in the package is probably the O’Reilly .NET Compact Framework Pocket Guide. I probably won’t use it much, but it is an O’Reilly pocket guide.

Yesterday, I woke at 5am, left for work at 5:50am, got home at 10pm. Bedded at 11pm. ugh. Long day.