vim color scheme choice: murphy

After a month or so of using daily random colorscheme settings in my .vimrc, I have finally chosen what I think is my favorite! The murphy colorscheme is eye pleasing. It helps me write efficiently.

Unfortunately, nothing seems to highlight C# ASPX files very nicely. I don’t do a lot of C# ASPX so that is OK, but it would be nice…

4 thoughts on “vim color scheme choice: murphy”

  1. I’ve used Murphy for quite a while (years) and generally like it. On W32 machine, colors are fine. However, there is an annoying problem when using a W32 command window to ssh into a Linux/Unix host and using Murphy while editting a file on Linux. The colors are different but still OK EXCEPT for the highlighting of search strings. The highlight is an olive-colored block (on the black background that is the window) and the text color is impossible to tell because you can’t see it. What you are left with is an olive block. Wish I could attach a screen capture to illustrate. Actually, I’ll screen cap it and send it to the email address below…

  2. Ancient thread, but murphy is by far my favourite vim colour scheme, and I tried a few to get there.

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