I just imported 399 Live Journal entries to be WordPress Posts.
What is even cooler is that I exercised some programming skills and implemented the backup button in lj-net. I checked it out from CVS on Sunday and played a little. I laughed when I discovered that the Backup option was in the menu, but there were no events for it. Then I remembered it was CVS, so people download actual releases probably did not click the button and wait for something to happen. Hopefully the button didn’t exist in the relese.
I wired up some lame test stuff on Sunday, but this evening I actually implemented the LiveJournal export xml format. This was great because WordPress already has a Live Journal import php script. I simply copied the xml backup to my WordPress host and set a define in the import script, et voila! A few years of very retarted LiveJournal posts.
I must say, beware! I followed very little (none) etiquette on the LiveJournal Posts.
LiveJournal has etiquette?
no, LJ doesn’t have etiquette, but good blogs typically do. And I’d prefer my blog to be good, not bad.
seriously dude, can you tell me how you did that? i would love to export all my LJ entries to my wordpress… plz!?
i mean i know you semi-somewhat explained how you did it above.. but gimme step by step aol n00b instructions how to do it…
Knowing a little sql let me figure out some post ids and ultimately create a livejournal category (4).
So I reassigned all the imported entries to the lj category directly with this SQL command:
update wp_post2cat set category_id=4 where post_id between 53 and 452;