She is beautiful

I love my “nekkid” pictures of Janice. A woman just walked by and said “She is beautiful. Is that your sister or your wife?” I said “My wife.” She said “She is beautiful. She is beautiful.”

That made me think of the Andrew W. K. song with those lyrics.

The “nekkid” picture is one where you cannot see any clothes on my wife. Wait wait. It is a head shot. It is her senior picture from high school actually. She was wearing an off the shoulder shirt and the way the picture was taken you cannot see any of her clothing, just her head and a shoulder. She calls it her “nekkid” picture because, well, she could have been nekkid when it was taken.

*waves* Hi honey. I love you, and not just because you are beautiful… you are hot too… and you make good pasta sauce… and you did my laundry… and you got a nice ass… umm… not just cuz you are beautiful.

All joking aside my Janice is a super smart lady. Together we could be an SAT analogy question. Jay:Computers::Janice:Genetics. If you don’t recall the SATs that is read “Jay is to computers as Janice is to Genetics.”

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