Phil Haack has a great post on .NET and Open source software. It mirrors a lot of my own feelings. Thanks for expressing my feelings for me Phil!
One thing that I don’t agree with is my personally preferred platform. WISC (Windows, IIS, Sql Server, C#) is nice and all, but I really like it when my C# runs on Mono and that means Linux is an option and Apache is an option. I use NHibernate and Castle’s ActiveRecord and I avoid writing real SQL. That means I’m not tied to SQL Server. I can run the same code on SQL Server, SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, and probably some others thanks to HQL and NHibernate Drivers and Dialects. So I guess my platform of choice is [Windows|Linux] [IIS|Apache] [SQL Server|PostgreSQL] [C#] or just [WL][IA][SP][C], WLIASPC. Pronounced “Will I asp see”. I guess.