PCRE is beautiful by comparison.
Here is a good reference:
I wanted to basically Perl -pie ‘s/_(\w+)/<\1>\0<\/\1>/’ It is kinda ugly, but it isn’t too bad if you know regex.
In VIM, the + modifier and the grouping parentheses require escaping as well, so it turned into this:
WOW. The only things not prefixed with a backslash in that regex is _, <, >, and &.
My head would be spinning, but I’m too happy that I got VIM to do what I want.
Actually VIM is pretty flexible with regard to escaping things. In this case, I’d suggest you use turn on the ‘very magic’ switch (see :help magic for more information). With very magic turned on you could have typed:
*Almost* as concise as the perl equivelant (but not quite 🙂 ).
oops, it ate my characters – you get the idea though – by putting “\v” at the beginning of your search you are then no longer required to escape the +, (, and ) characters.
Want to break a long line of text into 80 character per line in Vim.
Group match: \( …. \)
Match 80 characters: .\{80}
Replace match with first group and carriage return: \1\r
Do search replace global: %s/…./…../g