VIM Regular Expressions are the ugliest

PCRE is beautiful by comparison.

Here is a good reference:

I wanted to basically Perl -pie ‘s/_(\w+)/<\1>\0<\/\1>/’  It is kinda ugly, but it isn’t too bad if you know regex.

In VIM, the + modifier and the grouping parentheses require escaping as well, so it turned into this:


WOW. The only things not prefixed with a backslash in that regex is _, <, >, and &.

My head would be spinning, but I’m too happy that I got VIM to do what I want.

3 thoughts on “VIM Regular Expressions are the ugliest”

  1. Actually VIM is pretty flexible with regard to escaping things. In this case, I’d suggest you use turn on the ‘very magic’ switch (see :help magic for more information). With very magic turned on you could have typed:


    *Almost* as concise as the perl equivelant (but not quite 🙂 ).

  2. oops, it ate my characters – you get the idea though – by putting “\v” at the beginning of your search you are then no longer required to escape the +, (, and ) characters.

  3. Want to break a long line of text into 80 character per line in Vim.


    Group match: \( …. \)
    Match 80 characters: .\{80}
    Replace match with first group and carriage return: \1\r
    Do search replace global: %s/…./…../g

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