There really is no excuse to not be using Test Driven Development. Any excuses are just that.
The Voidspace Techie Blogger has a great post about Spiking as an answer to one of the common excuses. My question: May I please have a job which involves only spiking all the time? 😉
I really do like doing new things and figuring them out and doing things I’ve never done before. If I have done it before then it isn’t interesting. I’m only half kidding about the spiking all the time job.
Still think your case is special? It isn’t. Still clinging to your excuses? TDD doesn’t work for you? Maybe you aren’t working for TDD! Yes it changes the way you work. That is the point! Its working BETTER!
Now if I could just figure out this NUnitForms I could test that much more.