GNU Mailman and Apache mod_mbox

Over a year ago I saw mod_mbox. I love they way it provided nice looking archives and an Atom1 feed for a mailbox archived in the mbox2 format. I knew immediately that I wanted this for some Mailman lists which I provide.

Mailman does store its archives in mbox format. Unfortunately mod_mbox wants one mbox file per month, named a very specific way.

Here is how I got there. First, the tools:

  • Mhonarc is a mail to html converter used by popular sites such as and
  • Mharc is a web-based mail archiving system for multiple mailing lists.
  • Mharc has a tool called mbox-month-pack which does (almost)exactly what I want.
  • Mailman is already configured.
  • mod_mbox just needs to be plugged into a pre-configured apache.

The Procedure:

Mailman stores its archives in /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/ with complete mbox archives in one file in a file named ${list}.mbox/${list}.mbox. I just need to feed that to Mharc’s mbox-month-pack.

Massage the filenames a bit:

for i in ????-?? ; do mv $i ${i/-/}.mbox ; done

Setup Apache as the mod_mbox docs say.

Modify mailman’s list_members program to extract a encrypted password for each member, with output suitable for basic http authentication.

— /var/lib/mailman/bin/list_members   2007-06-12 08:49:33.000000000 -0400
+++ /var/lib/mailman/bin/list_members_pass      2007-11-08 23:04:20.000000000 -0500
@@ -80,6 +80,10 @@

from email.Utils import formataddr

+import crypt
+from random import randint
+import string
PROGRAM = sys.argv[0]
ENC = sys.getdefaultencoding()
@@ -140,6 +144,11 @@
         return status <> MemberAdaptor.ENABLED
     return status == WHYCHOICES[why]

+salt_chars = ‘./’ + string.ascii_letters + string.digits
+def crypt_password(password):
+    salt = salt_chars[randint(0, 63)] + salt_chars[randint(0, 63)]
+    return crypt.crypt(password, salt)

def main():
@@ -258,14 +267,16 @@
         for addr in rmembers:
             name = fullnames and mlist.getMemberName(addr) or ”
+            password = crypt_password(mlist.getMemberPassword(addr) or ”)
             # Filter out nomails
             if nomail and not whymatches(mlist, addr, why):
–            print >> fp, formataddr((safe(name), addr))
+            print >> fp, formataddr((safe(name), addr)) +”:”+password
     if digest:
         for addr in dmembers:
             name = fullnames and mlist.getMemberName(addr) or ”
+            password = crypt_password(mlist.getMemberPassword(addr) or ”)
             # Filter out nomails
             if nomail and not whymatches(mlist, addr, why):
@@ -278,7 +289,7 @@
                 # They’re getting MIME digests
                 if kind == ‘plain’:
–            print >> fp, formataddr((safe(name), addr))
+            print >> fp, formataddr((safe(name), addr)) +”:”+password


Wrap all of this up in a nice little script and insert into cron so that messages, usernames and passwords are refreshed hourly or daily.



for list in `$LISTLISTS -b` ; do
  if [[ ! -d $OUTDIR ]]; then mkdir $OUTDIR; fi
  if [[ ! -f $OUTDIR/.htaccess ]]; then
    cat >$OUTDIR/.htaccess <<EOD
AuthType Basic
AuthName “mailman Password Required”
AuthUserFile /var/passwords/$list.pwfile
Require valid-user

  $LISTMEMBERSPASS $list > /var/passwords/$list.pwfile

  pushd $OUTDIR
    for i in ????-?? ; do mv $i ${i/-/}.mbox ; done
    mod-mbox-util -v -c .



libapache2-mod-mbox is available on my Launchpad PPA.

mhonarc is available by default in debian.

mharc you will have to get the source and build.

  1. Say what you want about RSS vs Atom. I don’t care. Any tool that matters supports both… except mod_mbox.
  2. Yes, mbox isn’t the ideal mailbox format, but in this case it works