ASP.NET Dynamic Data is scaffolding

Hey SaJee, ASP.NET Dynamic Data CTP is cool. I agree.

It may be spelled “Dynamic Data”, but its pronounced scaffolding.

If you have never used Rails, I highly recommend giving it a try and using its scaffolding and then trying ASP.NET Dynamic DataScaffolding and coming to your own conclusions. 🙂

By the way, MonoRail has had Scaffolding a number of different ways in the past. For a while, it was entirely reflective, like Rails 1. Then that fell out of favor and a generator was used instead, like Rails 2. The current state of things (I think) is that a different generator than the original is now used, and the reflective scaffolding has been resurrected through refactoring.

1 thought on “ASP.NET Dynamic Data is scaffolding”

  1. The below statement is really surprising for me: –
    It may be spelled “Dynamic Data”, but its pronounced scaffolding.

    heard it first time,anyways will surely get its details.


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