Enterprise Library 4.0 released and unusable

EntLib4 was released recently. My bug is not closed. I can’t use it. 🙁

It is just a library. I don’t want your guidance. Just give me the source. Let me change it, build it and use as I see fit. Last time I checked, that is what developers do.

You may be asking, why would I even want to look at EntLib?

EntLib is better than nothing. If you happen to work at one of those horrible organizations that can’t use anything that isn’t from Redmond, then EntLib is what you should be using. That is, EntLib is what you should be using after you try to find a better organization in which to work 🙂 As a contractor, I want to be aware of it and know what things I can expect to run into when working with a client’s code.

My preferred library is castle for IoC and data access and even logging with Castle.Core.Logging being a thin wrapper to either log4net or NLog. Some area’s where EntLib does do things which I might find useful is Exception Handling and Instrumentation.