Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 Has All The Good Stuff

A couple of days ago, Ubuntu Xenial was released. There is a press release with some good stuff in it.

I’ve been looking forward to this release for the following reasons:

  • Postgresql 9.5
  • systemd
  • haproxy 1.6.3
  • uwsgi 2.0.12
  • nginx 1.9.15

I know, it doesn’t look that exciting until you recall that the last LTS release of Ubuntu, Trusty, 14.04, was missing fabulous features OOTB in each of these components.

Postgresql 9.3 did not have the the awesome JSONB improvements of 9.4 and 9.5

haproxy 1.4 didn’t have ssl support.

uwsgi… well latest uwsgi is just always great to have.

nginx 1.9.15 has http2 support, out of the box!

Finally, while I loved upstart, systemd is nice and has been rock solid.

This is the greatest Ubuntu ever. I’ve not even mentioned how awesome lxd is on it. That is covered elsewhere. This is just my personal little list. Thanks Ubuntu.