Using the MVPS.ORG Hosts file with ISC Bind

I run my own DNS in our home. You may think this is crazy, but test after test has shown that nearly all ISPs provide substandard DNS to their customers. Even the finest DNS servers are only responsive 95% of the time. With the number of times you use DNS, you could be losing seconds or minutes per day while you wait for timeouts and rerequests. maintains a list of “known bad domains”. While it is certainly not a replacement for other security measures, its another line of defense. It is another tool in the bag. For more reasons, read their site.

I don’t want to maintain host files on all of my home systems and all of the VMs too, I’d like to just tell my DNS server about these hosts and have it do the right thing.

By combining the downloaded hosts file and using this little boo script to map it into bind config, I have done just that. I use include files to bind. I’ve added a line like this to my /etc/bind/named.conf.local on my ubuntu server

include "/etc/bind/named.conf.mvps";

Then, I’ve added the output of this boo script to the /etc/bind/named.conf.mvps file. Reload bind and everything is done.

import System.IO
for line as string in [line for line in  @/\n|\r\n/.Split( File.OpenText("HOSTS").ReadToEnd() ) if (not line.StartsWith("#") and line!=string.Empty and not line.Contains("localhost"))]:
    fields = @/ +/.Split(line)
    if (fields.Length > 1):
      host = fields[1]
      print "zone \"${host}\" { type master; file \"/etc/bind/db.local\"; };"

Before hand, host resolution looked like this:

$ host has address

After reloading bind, it looks like this:

$ host has address has IPv6 address ::1

Windows 7 Libraries and Search in Explorer

With Windows 7 at release candidate now, I wanted to review some of my favorite features which were announced 8+ months ago at PDC08.

After a little Google searching I found this Search Connector Pack:

IMO its very cool to have the Wikipedia Search Connector where I can view all of the hits in what is normally the files view in Explorer, and view the wikipedia page in the Preview pane (alt-p if you can’t see it).


Browsing NHibernate Source Can Be Beautiful

NHibernate is awesome, but when Oren’s blog doesn’t have for what you are looking, and your google-fu is coming up short, it can be challenging to find what you want. – is excellent, but almost never comes up in google searches. – the sourceforge page redirects to which in turn redirects to the nhibernate area.

I often want to browse the source. I just need to quickly see what they have done, and I don’t want to open the nhibernate sln on my system.

I had to hunt around for more than a minute, to find the above url, but rest assured, it is viewvc pointed to nhibernate svn hosted by sourceforge.

If you can’t tell, I love viewvc.

Windows 7 DhcpNodeType Is Still a Bummer: How I returned from teched09 to have a broken network

I use file sharing on my home network quite a bit. I don’t have a large hard drive in my laptop. I use network shares at home to watch video downloads (all Mix08, PDC08, Mix09 content!) and store some personal files.

I don’t use Active Directory. I don’t use Windows Servers. Why would I do that at home? I’m a home user after all.

Enter Windows Behavior Fail. I connected to exactly 3 wifi networks while I was away at TechEd09: TechEd, Comfort Inn, and t-mobile @ LAX. One of them used DHCP to force my node into Netbios Name Resolution point to point mode, rather than its normal hybrid mode. This means that instead of broadcasting for a netbios name, my client host would talk only to the specified WINS browser on the network.

Except I don’t have a WINS server on the network, which effectively disables Netbios Name Resolution. I came back home, plugged into (or Wifi connected, either way is the same) my home network, and I had no access to my file shares.

I’ll bet a Mac would never do this.

So, if you ever use Windows (not just if you call yourself a Windows user, mind you). Please click the link at the beginning of this post and beg Microsoft to change their behavior. I can understand disabling WINS while I am on a public WIFI. Heck, I might ever recommend it to some customers who have public WIFI, but for the setting to not revert after I am back on a different network which does not set this DHCP setting is simply unacceptable.

Of course, the network administrators work around is to forcefully set this DHCP setting to hybrid. That is fine for savvy network administrators, but it is NOT fine for the rest of us with Linksys routers doing the job of DHCP.

Incidentally, if you happen to run ISC DHCP (which I highly recommend), you can send this setting to your DHCP clients with this setting in your subnet block:

option netbios-node-type 8;

I hate to rant like this immediately after TechEd09 (which was an awesome event), but it was the most pressing issue on my return home.

TechEd 2009

I’m leaving tomorrow to go to TechEd 2009. I’ll be working the C# and F# “Ask The Experts” booths for half of the day each day Monday through Thursday. When I’m not there, I’ll be catching sessions and pretending to be an open sourcer by hanging in the Mono booth.

If you want to meet, or just say hi, stop by and do so!

RegexReplace in SQL Server

My last post was about SQL Server. Even 10+ years later, I’m continually amazed by features which are daily use features in MySQL and Postgresql which are missing from MS SQL Server.

Regular expression matching and replacing is a severely lacking feature.

Sql Server 2005 introduced a means to write user defined functions in .NET code, so this method is uploaded to a sql server and exposed as a function.

public static SqlString RegexReplace(SqlString input, SqlString pattern, SqlString replacement)
    var result = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(input.Value, pattern.Value, replacement.Value);
    return new SqlString(result);


Now you can use it in select statements.

SELECT        Name, dbo.RegexReplace(Name, N'(?:\d+-)?\d+PPM’, N”) AS e
FROM            Table2


Or use it to update tables

update table2 set name=dbo.RegexReplace(Name, N'(?:\d+-)?\d+PPM’, N”)


I have absolutely no idea how any database developer could live without this kind of functionality.

SQL Server Command Line Administration

I don’t have SQL Management Studio installed. Perhaps I should install it, it would make my life easier.

Here are the commands I used to create a new database and add myself to it as administrator. I want to own the database too. I don’t want to have to be sa (root for you mysql folk) just to be able to create tables. I want to delegate the ownership of this database instance (not the whole sql server) to a non-admin user. This is just for me, for dev on my laptop.

C:\>osql -E -S .\SQLEXPRESS -V 2 -Q "create database test2"
C:\>osql -E -S .\SQLEXPRESS -V 2 -Q "use test2;exec sp_changedbowner [theknife\jrwren]"
C:\>osql -E -S .\SQLEXPRESS -V 2 -Q "exec sp_configure ‘clr enabled’, 1"
Configuration option ‘clr enabled’ changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE
statement to install.
C:\>osql -E -S .\SQLEXPRESS -V 2 -Q "reconfigure"

Finding this set of commands was the must frustrating experience that I have had in a VERY long time. It made me long for Postgresql or MySQL.

ASP.NET via Mono and Apache

In my last post I showed how to build Mono trunk on the latest Ubuntu. I pointed out that I am using it on a “server” install of Ubuntu. I don’t have GTK+ or GTK# installed. So what good is Mono? Its good for hosting ASP.NET web applications.

  1. Configure an apache development environment.
    sudo apt-get install apache2-prefork-dev
  2. Grab my mono-dev-update script and tell it to only do mod_mono
    ./mono-dev-update –m mod_mono
  3. Install the apache module
    pushd /opt/mono/src/mod_mono ; sudo make install ; popd
  4. Enable the apache module
    pushd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled;ln –s ../mod_mono.conf . ; popd
  5. Restart Apache
    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  6. Test it
    echo ’<%=DateTime.Now%>’ |sudo tee /var/www/index.aspx
    curl localhost/index.aspx

You should see the current date and time displayed. If you don’t, you have done something wrong.  Note that quotes paste poorly out of wordpress, so you may need to type out some of these commands.

Mono trunk on Ubuntu Jaunty

With the release of Ubuntu 9.04 aka Jaunty later this month, I thought I’d share how to get a current version of Mono on the latest Ubuntu release.

For a number of reasons, Ubuntu always seems to be just a little behind current with its Mono packages. The largest reason IMO is the difficulty in properly packaging Mono for Debian/Ubuntu. I’ve tried and it is not easy.

  1. Make our install a tiny developer environment.
    sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion autoconf libtool bison gettext pkg-config libglib2.0-dev
  2. Install the old Mono 2.0 C# compiler from jaunty so that we can bootstrap the trunk compiler.
    sudo apt-get install mono-mcs
    ln –s /usr/bin/mcs1 /usr/bin/mcs
    This installs enough mono to let the C# compiler run. We will remove this and all its dependencies later.
  3. Fetch the source from SVN. I use a mono-dev-update script to checkout the first time and keep me updated. The script pulls and installs mono, mcs, xsp to /opt/mono on a default ubuntu server install once step 1 above has been performed. To build more parts of mono such as GTK# and MonoDevelop you will need more gtk+ library dependencies.
    sudo mkdir –p /opt/mono/src
    sudo chown $USER /opt/mono /opt/mono/src
  4. Remove the bootstrap mcs
    sudo apt-get remove binfmt-support cli-common libmono-corlib1.0-cil libmono-corlib2.0-cil libmono-i18n1.0-cil libmono-i18n2.0-cil libmono-security2.0-cil libmono-system1.0-cil libmono-system2.0-cil libmono0 mono-2.0-gac mono-2.0-runtime mono-common mono-gac mono-jit mono-mcs mono-runtime

The real work is done by the mono-dev-update script. Its a mess of bash script which has served me well for a couple of years now.

I’ll paste the current version of it here, but I’ll also try to keep it up to date for download here.

#Jay R. Wren <>
#   -s      skip svn operations. don't try to pull updates.
#   -f      force or configure to run.
#   -l n    set build level to value of 'n'. This controls optional package 
#           builds. Not used much
#   -n      no auto retry. if make fails, do not try to ./configure and 
#           make again.

export ACLOCAL_PATH=$MONO_PREFIX/share/aclocal
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$MONO_PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig:$GNOME_PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig
if [[ ! -d $MONO_PREFIX/src ]];then mkdir $MONO_PREFIX/src; fi
pushd $MONO_PREFIX/src

SVNDIRS="mcs mono xsp monodevelop gtk-sharp gtkmozembed-sharp type-reflector debugger banshee-sample-plugin olive mono-tools" 
MAKEDIRS="mono xsp debugger mono-tools monodevelop gtkmozembed-sharp "


while getopts :xvfsnd:t:cl:m: OPTS ;do
	if [[ $OPTS == "x" ]]; then outputStyle=xml ; optCount=$((optCount+1)) ; fi
	if [[ $OPTS == "v" ]]; then action=view ; optCount=$((optCount+1)) ; fi
	if [[ $OPTS == "f" ]]; then forceAGen="true" ; optCount=$((optCount+1)) ; fi
	if [[ $OPTS == "s" ]]; then skipsvn=1 ; optCount=$((optCount+1)) ; fi
	if [[ $OPTS == "n" ]]; then noautoretry="true" ; optCount=$((optCount+1)) ; fi
	if [[ $OPTS == "d" ]]; then DEBUG="$OPTARG" ; optCount=$((optCount+2)) ; fi
	if [[ $OPTS == "t" ]]; then transform="$OPTARG" ; optCount=$((optCount+2)) ; fi
	if [[ $OPTS == "c" ]]; then for i in $MAKEDIRS;do pushd $i ; make clean ; popd ; done ;exit ; optCount=$((optCount+1)) ; fi
	if [[ $OPTS == "l" ]]; then level="$OPTARG" ; optCount=$((optCount+2)) ; fi
	if [[ $OPTS == "m" ]]; then MAKEDIRS="$OPTARG" ; optCount=$((optCount+2));fi
if [[ $optCount != $((OPTIND-1)) ]] ; then echo "optcount($optCount) not equal to OPTIND($OPTIND)";fi

echo "using makedirs $MAKEDIRS"

echo "using prefix $MONO_PREFIX"

if [[ 1 > $skipsvn ]]; then
for i in $SVNDIRS
	echo -e "\e[1;31m pushd $i \e[m"
	if [[ -d $i ]];then
		pushd $i 
        if [[ ! -d .svn ]];then pushd .. ; svn co$i ;popd; fi
		echo -e "\e[1;31m svn info"
		svn info
		echo 'svn log -r `svn info|grep Revision|cut -f2 -d' '`:HEAD'
		echo -e "\e[m"
		svn log -r `svn info|grep Revision|cut -f2 -d' '`:HEAD
		echo svn up
		nice -n 20 svn up 
		if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: $?" ;popd ; break; fi
	echo "-s detected, skipping svn update"

#mono, xsp, MD, GTK# etc
function autogenAndMake () {
	echo "running for $*"
	for i in $*
		if [[ -d $i ]]; then
			echo -e "\e[1;31m pushd $i \e[m"
			pushd $i 
			if [[ -f "" ]];then
			if [[ "true" != $forceAGen ]]; then
				nice -n 20 make && nice -n 20 make install  

			if [[ "true" != $noautoretry && $? != 0 || "true" == $forceAGen ]]; then 
				echo -e "\e[1;31m "
				echo 'make clean ; $PROG --prefix=$MONO_PREFIX --enable-aspnet --enable-aspnetedit --with-preview --with-moonlight && nice -n 20 make && nice -n 20 make install'
				echo -e "\e[m"
				if [[ -f Makefile ]]; then make clean; fi
				$PROG --prefix=$MONO_PREFIX --enable-aspnet --enable-aspnetedit --with-preview --with-moonlight && nice -n 20 make && nice -n 20 make install || break

#-l not  speced or even means build all - odd means build only banshee & olive
if [[ $((level % 2)) == 0 ]]; then 
autogenAndMake $MAKEDIRS

if [[ $level > 1 ]]; then
			echo -e "\e[1;31m pushd $i \e[m"
			pushd $i
			echo -e "\e[1;31m "
			echo 'make clean ; ./bootstrap-2.12 --prefix=$MONO_PREFIX  && nice -n 20 make && nice -n 20 make install'
			echo -e "\e[m"
			if [[ -f Makefile ]]; then make clean ; fi
			./bootstrap-2.12 --prefix=$MONO_PREFIX  && nice -n 20 make && nice -n 20 make install || break

if [[ $level > 1 ]];then
	for i in olive 
		if [[ -d $i ]] ; then
			echo -e "\e[1;31m pushd $i \e[m"
			pushd $i
			echo -e "\e[1;31m "
			echo 'make clean ; ./configure  --prefix=$MONO_PREFIX  && nice -n 20 make && nice -n 20 make install'
			echo -e "\e[m"
			if [[ -f Makefile ]]; then make clean ; fi
			./configure  --prefix=$MONO_PREFIX  && nice -n 20 make && nice -n 20 make install || break

if [[ $level > 1 ]];then
	if [[ -d banshee ]];then
	pushd banshee
		cvs up
		./configure --prefix=$MONO_PREFIX --disable-helix && nice -n 20 make && nice -n 20 make install || break
