yesturday I said something was the best song ever. Purhaps I will do this daily and call it song of the day.
THIS is the best song ever!
Jay R. Wren – lazy dawg evarlast
babblings of a computer loving fool
yesturday I said something was the best song ever. Purhaps I will do this daily and call it song of the day.
THIS is the best song ever!
hrm… free movie channels are not a good thing for me. I like the really stupid “b” movies that always seem to be on when I should be sleeping. It means I don’t sleep. I’m tired.
the days go by so quickly. It kinda feels like I did nothing today, but I really did accomplish some good stuff. Work is fun.
this very well could be the best damn song ever!
sometimes shit just don’t work.
Why don’t shit work? I dunno.
Anyway, I’ve been sitting way to long here at work, trying to figure things to do. There is lots to do, but always which was to do them… choices. I suppose I will keep on keep on keepin’ on.
Found out Pro Tools is available for free. I just haven’t worked up the courage to fill out my name in one of those online forms. I fear lack of privacy.
Read 1/2 of an Asimov book that I had kept lying around for months. I guess this means that my spring/summer break is finally being realized at another level. Good book.
ok, work again…
back to the daily grind.
I really don’t remember what I do at work. What do I do?
george clinton was da bomb baby…
that about it.
raver kids suck
I just found this iJournal client for lj… OSX cocoa even. Bonus, it is on so I could enhance it if I wanted. I need to learn cocoa and objc.
I’m not really listening to Sky Cries Mary. I just left it on pause with iTunes.
All right, I’m probably a fool for doing this, but go to my
webpage and click webcam.
If it doesn’t work because you are behind a proxy or something stupid like that, click “alternate” instead.
long day, tired.
if you read my journal, you must be ultra bored.