Ubuntu Cloud Image Based Containers with LXC

At a previous employer, we standardized on Ubuntu cloud images on AWS EC2 and in our OpenStack. You can find the images at http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com. If you are using Ubuntu on EC2 or another Certified Public Cloud, then its most likely one of these cloud images.

We leveraged cloud-init and extended an already existing simple management system to allow passing user-data to EC2 instances and OpenStack Nova instances. The use of ephemeral instances proved very powerful and influenced our thinking greatly. We came up with great solutions using these very simple techniques.

Even before I left that job, I longed for an easy way to do the same thing for myself. I played a bit with the AWS CLI tool (the newer python boto based tool) and yes, aws ec2 run-instances –user-data works. I always longed to get the same thing on my home server and on my laptop.

Finally, I figured out how to do this with LXC. Its simple yes, but I finally learned how to do what I want.

tl;dr example:

lxc-create -n crisp-Hadley -t ubuntu-cloud -- -r trusty -S ~/.ssh/id_rsa-.pub -u one.yaml

cat > one.yaml
 all: "|tee -a /tmp/cloud.out"

 - rm -f /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch
 - for i in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do curl -s http://packages.elasticsearch.org/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch | apt-key add - && break ; sleep 2 ; done
 - source: deb http://packages.elasticsearch.org/logstash/1.4/debian stable main
 - source: ppa:evarlast/experimental
 - mongodb
final_message: "The system is finally up, after $UPTIME seconds"
 - service myapp start


Most LXC tutorials that I’ve seen walk the user through using the download template. The download template is not bad for new users, but I want something more powerful. It turns out there are a number of templates available by default in /usr/share/lxc/templates and you can even create your own.

The template I am interested in is the ubuntu-cloud template. These lxc templates are not so much templates at all as they are scripts. Some of them use other scripts called hooks defined in /usr/share/lxc/hooks. The ubuntu-cloud template, defined in /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-ubuntu-cloud.


The help for templates is a little hidden and lxc is a little stupid at letting you view the help. You COULD run lxc-create, use the — to pass options to the template and use -h. That has the unfortunate side effect of creating the container anyway. You’d have to lxc-destroy it even though you only used -h. Instead, it is easier to invoke the template directly and get help.

$ /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-ubuntu-cloud -h
LXC Container configuration for Ubuntu Cloud images.

Generic Options
[ -r | --release <release> ]: Release name of container, defaults to host
[ --rootfs <path> ]: Path in which rootfs will be placed
[ -a | --arch ]: Architecture of container, defaults to host architecture
[ -T | --tarball ]: Location of tarball
[ -d | --debug ]: Run with 'set -x' to debug errors
[ -s | --stream]: Use specified stream rather than 'tryreleased'

Additionally, clone hooks can be passed through (ie, --userdata). For those,
 /usr/share/lxc/hooks/ubuntu-cloud-prep --help

Here, we see that if we don’t specify the -r option, it defaults to match the host. I’m running vivid on my host, but I’d really like to stick with trusty inside of containers. The -a is interesting, and I can only guess that it only works where compatible. -a i386 would let me use the i386 cloud image on an amd64 host. I can’t think of any other use where a mixing architecture would work in a container.

But there is nothing here about cloud-init

cloud-init via cloud-prep

The last line of help says clone hooks can be passed through. This is useful and IMO the most important item. Run the help for ubuntu-cloud-prep exactly as suggested.

$ /usr/share/lxc/hooks/ubuntu-cloud-prep --help
Usage: ubuntu-cloud-prep [options] root-dir

  root-dir is the root directory to operate on

  [ -C | --cloud  ]:       do not configure a datasource.  incompatible with
                           options marked '[ds]'
  [ -i | --instance-id]:   instance-id for cloud-init, defaults to random [ds]
  [ -L | --nolocales ]:    Do not copy host's locales into container
  [ -S | --auth-key ]:     ssh public key file for datasource [ds]
  [ -u | --userdata ]:     user-data file for cloud-init [ds]

Options for –userdata and –auth-key. Are those what I think they are? It turns out, yes, they work exactly like choosing a public key and user-data when starting an EC2 or Nova instance.

Putting all this together you can create cloud-config yaml files and specify and ssh key, and starting an LXC is just like starting a public cloud instance.

For example, want a postgresql server running?

$ cat > psql.yaml
 all: "|tee -a /tmp/cloud.out"
 - postgresql
 - echo "listen_addresses = '*'" >>/etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf
 - sudo -u postgres createuser -D -R -S myuser
 - sudo -u postgres createdb -E utf8 -O myuser mydb
 - echo host mydb myuser trust >> /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf
 - service postgresql restart 
$ lxc-create -n mypostgresql -t ubuntu-cloud -- -r trusty -S ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub -u psql.yaml
$ lxc-start -n mypostgresql
$ lxc-info -n mypostgresql
Name:           mypostgresql
State:          RUNNING
PID:            6899
CPU use:        3.67 seconds
BlkIO use:      168.00 KiB
Memory use:     23.21 MiB
KMem use:       0 bytes
Link:           veth452FOE
 TX bytes:      3.84 KiB
 RX bytes:      20.36 KiB
 Total bytes:   24.20 KiB
$ psql -h -U myuser -d mydb
psql (9.4.2, server 9.3.7)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

mydb=> \q

One of my favorite things about using the cloud-image like this is that unlike the download images, openssh server is running and listening by default. The user ubuntu has the public key which you provided in its authorized_keys file. Everything is ready to go.

11 lines of config, 373 bytes is not much at all for a running postgresql server.

When I don’t want to use juju, this is my go to option.

logstash on ubuntu the easy way

The nice folks at elasticsearch package up logstash for debian and ubuntu. It is very easy to use.

$ curl -s http://packages.elasticsearch.org/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch | sudo apt-key add -
$ echo "deb http://packages.elasticsearch.org/logstash/1.4/debian stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/logstash.list
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install logstash

Now you have logstash.

Write a config file and fire it up.

/opt/logstash/bin/logstash -f logstash.conf

Zulu JRE from Azul Systems is a hidden gem

http://www.azulsystems.com/products/zulu Azul Systems, the company that Cliff Click works for, builds their own openjdk version.

If you don’t recall Cliff Click, I was first introduced to him via this awesome video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agH7Cz5FSxY

If I have to run on the JVM, then this is how I want to run on the JVM.

Zulu isn’t Zing, and yet it is a hidden gem. No more stupid prompts from Oracle. No more being associated with the company that forces you to install the Ask toolbar and other spywear.

The download page is here: http://www.azulsystems.com/products/zulu/downloads

It is the best (only?) way to get openjdk onto your OSX mac.

Better still is the package install on Ubuntu.

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 0x219BD9C9
sudo apt-add-repository "deb http://repos.azulsystems.com/ubuntu stable main"
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install zulu-8

Zulu includes something called the CCK which says

The Commercial Compatibility Kit (CCK) for Zulu contains additional functionality that is not included in in the OpenJDK source, but which will help ensure compatibility in applications that take advantage of specific additional features that Oracle bundles into HotSpot.

curl -O http://cdn.azulsystems.com/zcck/2014-08-8-bin/zcck8-
sudo dpkg -i zcck8-

Do better Java on Ubuntu.

Testing Out Apache All By Yourself

By all by yourself, I mean, without root.

This is on my Mac running OSX 10.10.

  1. Get yourself an httpd.conf – cp /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf .
  2. Edit it to use a port >1024 and with user you – Listen 8081 & User jrwren & Group staff
  3. Log to a place you can write – ErrorLog /home/jrwren/errorlog & CustomLog /home/jrwren/access_log combined
  4. Use different pidfile –  PidFile /home/jrwren/httpd.pid Do this fter the Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
  5. Accept mutex –  Mutex file:/home/jrwren
  6. Edit whatever else you want – ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080 & SetOutputFilter DEFLATE to see that Apache proxy does gzip for you
  7. Start httpd – httpd -d . -f httpd.conf -X

Faster mongodb deploys with Juju

I made a change to the official mongodb charm.

Before the change, the install step, when deploying the charm took 5 minutes.

2014-11-17 20:54:13 Installing mongodb
2014-11-17 21:04:12 Entering config_changed

After the change, the install step, when deploying took a tiny bit over 2 minutes.

2014-11-19 19:14:55 Installing mongodb
2014-11-19 19:16:06 Entering config_changed

Before: Fetched 46.2 MB
After: Fetched 14.6 MB

Why the huge change? The charm was previously running ‘apt-get install mongodb’ which Recommends the mongodb-dev package which Depends on development packages, ultimately pulling in a c++ compiler and boost dev libraries and header files.

I am happy to download 1/4 of what I previously was required to download for the same functionality.

When writing charms for juju, or automating your deploys using any other tool, remember consider what the system is really doing with the commands you give it.

I highly recommend always running apt-get install with the –no-install-recommends option when you are in a server environment. You’ll waste less time.

A note on the time comparison: At first I hesitated to write this, because the hardware on which I tested this is doing other things. I then realized that this is exactly what all hardware in the cloud is doing all the time. This isn’t a benchmark. This isn’t a timing test. This is an example of making a single case of something slow, a bit faster.


Netatalk Ubuntu Trusty Package


This is a 3 year old piece of software in the latest Ubuntu LTS release. That is real bummer.

I don’t want to do all this:

I’d really just like to apt-get install netatalk and have the latest.

Using a 3.0+ version of Netatalk is especially nice since it uses filesystem extended attributes for AppleDouble instead of hidden files all over the place. http://netatalk.sourceforge.net/3.0/ReleaseNotes-3.0.html

First, the results:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:evarlast/netatalk
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install netatalk

A brief warning: config file syntax changed entirely from 2.2 netatalk to 3.0 netatalk. If you are upgrading from 2.x to 3.x you will need to audit your config files and test and make sure everything works.

How I did it:
On a refresh trusty install:
$ sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev devscripts libmysqlclient-dev libssl-dev systemtap-sdt-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libglib2.0-dev tracker libtracker-sparql-0.16-dev libtracker-miner-0.16-dev libtdb-dev libevent-dev
$ sudo apt-get source netatalk
$ sudo apt-get build-dep netatalk
$ curl -o netatalk_3.1.6.orig.tar.bz2 -L ‘http://sourceforge.net/projects/netatalk/files/latest/download?source=files’
$ tar jxvf netatalk_3.1.6.orig.tar.bz2
$ cd netatalk-3.1.6
$ cp -a ../netatalk-2.2.2/debian .
$ dch -v 3.1.6 -D trusty
$ vim debian/patches/series # remove everything except the macusers patch
$ vim debian/control # edit and update with dependent packages we installed as listed http://netatalk.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Install_Netatalk_3.1.6_on_Ubuntu_14.04_Trusty Be sure to add a final NETA_LDCONFIG=/bin/true to the configure flags
$ vim debian/rules # edit and update configure options as listed on wiki page
$ vim debian/atalk.docs # remove README line
$ debuild
$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S

Install the package or dput it into a PPA.

In putting this together I ran into an issue with a strange automake assumption that the build will be as root, or that the user running make can run ldconfig. This is not the case when building debian pacakges. Searching for NETA_LDCONFIG returned this url: http://oichinote.com/plus/2014/07/installing-debianized-netatalk-3-1-3-on-ubuntu-14-04.html

Elasticsearch on Ubuntu

It sucks, but it doesn’t have to.

1. Import the GPG KEY from the elasticsearch repo.

 curl -s http://packages.elasticsearch.org/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch | sudo apt-key add –

2. Add the repo.

echo "deb http://packages.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/1.3/debian stable main" |sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/packages_elasticsearch_org_elasticsearch_1_3_debian.list

3. Update your apt cache.

sudo apt-get update

4. Install the elastic search package.

sudo apt-get install elasticsearch

If this is a server, then configure ES to run on system start and start ES now:

sudo update-rc.d elasticsearch defaults 95 10
sudo service elasticsearch

If this is a development environment, then the following may help.

Homebrew on MacOSX allows for ability to simply run “elasticsearch –config=myconfig.yml” and have different elasticsearch instances. I want this on my Linux dev system.

1. Copy elasticsearch shell script to a place in the path. $HOME/bin works just as good as /usr/local/bin here, if it is in your path. Then you can skip the sudo on these commands.

sudo cp /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch /usr/local/bin/

2. Copy the in.sh file there too.

sudo cp /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch.in.sh /usr/local/bin/

3. Set the ES_HOME in the in.sh file.

sudo sed -i ‘2 a ES_HOME=/usr/share/elasticsearch’ /usr/local/bin/elasticsearch.in.sh

4. DFSG don’t work if the app isn’t built correctly, so symlink the config back in place. Config won’t get used, but logging.yml will.

sudo ln -s /etc/elasticsearch/ /usr/share/elasticsearch/config

That shall do it. You can now test run a few different instances.

for $dir in a b ; do
mkdir $dir
pushd $dir
cat > config.yml <<EOM
cluster.name: cluster_$dir
path.data: ./data
path.logs: ./log/
http.port: 1234
elasticsearch –config=config.yml &

Now you have a slightly less terrible elasticsearch on your Linux system, about on par with what you get from homebrew on a Mac.

update:fixed path in sources list creation.
Note: you can substitute 1.4 or 1.5 to get those versions of elasticsearch. Also note, elasticsearch isn’t dependant on a JVM, so you will need to apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-headless or zulu-8. See http://jrwren.wrenfam.com/blog/2015/03/18/zulu-jre-from-azul-systems-is-a-hidden-gem/

finding files by date

I got tired of looking this up every time, and I’ve not seen anyone write about this specific use case. When dealing with dev servers in the cloud, sometimes I forget the use case for one. I find it useful to be able to find all the changed files on a system by date.

find / -mount -printf ‘%T@\t%T+\t%s\t%p\n’ | sort -nr

This shows me config files which recently changed, log files which recently changed. I can examine those and get an idea of the state of the system.

I use ls -alrt often enough, but this uses find so I get a view of the entire filesystem at once instead of a single directory.

Converting your existing ssh rsa key for use with Windows Azure

Oh Microsoft, it seems like you make simple things complex.

I could not find anything on converting an existing ssh key for use with Azure. Once I figured out what was needed and the commands available to me, it was easy. It only took me hours of fiddling with ssh-keygen and openssl.

The magic was learning that openssh stores its id_rsa in a format which openssl can read. This means I can use openssl directly to convert this private key.

openssl req -x509 -new -days 365 -key id_rsa -out id_rsa.x509req.pem

Type in your password for your private key (if you are not using a password, you should be.) Then fill out the certificate request fields.

Now you can boot your azure vm using id_rsa.x509req.pem

azure vm create jrwtest b39f27a8b8c64d52b05eac6a62ebad85__Ubuntu-12_04_3-LTS-amd64-server-20130916.1-en-us-30GB jwren –location “East US” -e -t id_rsa.x509req.pem

Now you can secure shell to your azure vm.

ssh jrwtest.cloudapp.net

SWEET. 🙂  No generating new ssh keys for me.

Installing iWork09 from CD without a Mac

You’d think you could just use Apple’s nice CD Sharing program, aka Remote Disc http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1777?viewlocale=en_US

But sadly, the iWork09 CD is not an iso9660 disc. Instead it has an Apple style partition table, which was not readable by fdisk and crashed parted in linux, with an HFS+ filesystem. When you insert the disc into a Windows PC it simply will not read it.

So, I booted to Linux, used dd to rip the cd and started analyzing the contents of the disc. What I came up with was a way to extract the HFS+ filesystem from the disc image. Since I don’t really care about the filesystem being perfect – I only care about being able to install iWork on a new Mac Book Air – I only care about where it starts and I run a fsck tool to repair the end of filesystem.

The filesystem begins at an offset of 72blocks (36864bytes):
$ if=iwork09.img bs=512 skip=72 of=iwork09-1.img

Repair the filesystem:
$ fsck.hfsplus iwork09-1.img

Mount it and copy the iWork directory or install it from there
$ mount -t hfsplus iwork09-1.img /mnt

A little extra work, but it beats a trip to the Genius Bar.