Buying a house is fun.

Man, I’ve talked to so many lenders my head is spinning.  I need to copy my amortization spreadsheets to my work computer so I can see what things look like while I’m on the phone with these people.

other than that… I’m bored.

Need to continue to revise resume so I can get a job!

sorry friends:

favorite quote: “To master flow, you just need to not be a fucking moron. Can you handle that?”

my response: “yeah, I think I can” <- in hick accent with tones of insecurity.


Find an excuse to use DBM::Deep, or better yet OOPS maybe even with SQLite.

These perl mods look awesome.

Thanks to Randy Schwartz for writing a sweet article about ’em. And screw Intel for sending him to jail.

you said it was just for now.
the wait is far too long.
why can’t we bring things back
just like they were before?

visions of our past