I’m the Daddy

Many Dad’s have told me how special becoming a Dad is, but its kind of like mastering perl. You must experience it yourself to truly understand what those who are telling you are talking about.

On April 17th, 2007 at 3:14pm Lillian Grace Wren completed a journey down a long dark tunnel toward big bright lights. She weighed in a 7lb, 5oz (3317 grams). Mom and Baby are doing very well and are healthy. Janice never even swore at me or got mad at me the whole delivery time. I encouraged her by saying things like “You can do it Doug, err, Janice” and other paraphrases from the most inspirational movie of all time Iron Eagle.


6 thoughts on “I’m the Daddy”

  1. Your comparison to perl seems horrible but I guess I won’t know for sure until I’ve been promoted to fatherhood and force myself to learn perl. Congrats to you and Janice.

  2. Hey, congrats! And I see that you finally chose a middle name!

    I hope that Janice is able to get some sleep!

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